What We Do

My Studio 4 Rent is an informative platform to provide easy access of Filming locations to Film makers. This platform is for filming studios, Chroma Floors, Bungalows and locations that are available for hire for filming.

If you are a filmmaker and searching for studios for your Films, Web Series, Short Films, Music Videos, Ad Films or any other projects, your search ends here.

You can search for Studios in different Cities, Countries, Regions etc.

If you are the owner of a property and wish to list your property for films, TV Ads, Web Series. You can list your property for FREE in this amazing platform.

 In short, film makers will get the location and all the desired stuff as per their requirements. As well as the Property owners will get the clients without any kind of hurdles.

 As we are the company with the ethics and ambition to succeed. We will make sure, you too grow with us. All the clients will be getting proper legal paper work. Along with this health and security protocols will also be taken care.

About Our Company

My Studio 4 Rent is an Initiative of Carnival ONE, a Pioneer in Films Production, PR and Marketing management, Celebrity Management, Producing Award Functions and Providing Filming Locations to Bollywood and Hollywood.

With the Experience of over 3 decades, We at Carnival ONE have overcome many obstacles, over the years we have learnt that most film makers are looking for reliable Line Producers, Executive Producers, Production Managers, and mainly Location providers who can provide permits along with locations to save time and money.

Most of the places does not offer all Equipment, or service as per producers requirements. At Mystudio4rent.com you will find all solutions for your next blockbuster, so you the Producer should concentrate on what you do best and enjoy the most THE FILM MAKING.

How it Works

Create Free Account

Create Free Account and start searching for all required Studios and Film Making Solutions

List your Studio or Services

You can List upto 3 Free listings, which are valid for 30 days.

Get Offers

Featured Ads receive 100% more response, know more here

Rent your Studios

it is as easy as 123... If you are looking for a studio or service which is not listed, please connect with us

Studios & Services
Happy Film makers
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Customers Say About Us

I was searching for a Filming studio and found it at mystudio4rent.com. at my studio4rent.com I found easy access, direct phone number. The customer support was super helpful and they answered all my queries in time. I also decided to register with mystudio4rent.com as an EP. Highly recommended!

Hanif Chatriwala

EP Chatriwala Sons

I am a Director mostly make Music Videos and Ad Films, I use mystudio4rent.com all the time to find studios and locations from all over India, according to my requirements. I have also contacted the customer service number and received recommendations according to my needs.

R Swami

Director Teracotta Films

I am a fashion Designer and have my own production house. i use mystudio4rent to find suitable locations ands studios for my photoshoots, film shoots and ad films. I have utilized the services of mystudio4rent.com on serval occasions.

Shubh Malhotra

Chai Coffee Productions